
About the Institute
The ninth Indian Institute of Management was established at Ranchi in 2010. This was made possible with the extensive support of the Indian Institute of Management Calcutta and the Government of Jharkhand, working under the guidance of Ministry of HRD, Government of India.
We started at a time when the management education world over was criticized for over emphasis on competition, aggression and achievement of results by any means. The biggest challenge was to revive the aura and exclusivity of classroom-teaching in an era ruled by the advent of technology in education as well. There was an evident void in terms of fulfilling the requirements of firms that employ management students.
It was of utmost importance to re-build the curriculum so as to bridge the gap between what was taught and what was needed in the actual business circles. Moreover, it became all the more important to imbibe in students the feeling of returning to the society. We understood the need to incorporate right values in the young minds and also impart education relevant for an information age that encourages networking and collaborative advantage. Also we decided to build contextual knowledge into the programs.
IIM Ranchi currently offers a two year PGDM in General management, which is our flagship programme. Going by the growing importance and indispensability associated with human resources, we are the only IIM offering a full-time two year programme in Human Resources Management (PGDHRM). We also offer Fellow Program in Management (FPM), a fellowship programme funded by the government and an 24-month part time Diploma in Management (PGEXP). We have also launched a certified Barefoot Manger program to promote entrepreneurship and to impart livelihood skills among the school drop outs and illiterates. Our programs are carried out in a world-class fashion with students being exposed to case-studies, relevant projects and relevant industry experience apart from class pedagogy.
We aim at creating efficient managers and business leaders. We strive to ensure that our students develop the right skills required to sustain and grow in any organization. An equal weight is also given on developing the right values and attitude in students to help them sail through times of trial and turbulence. We pay keen attention towards cultivating a winning spirit, which is why they are encouraged to participate in standard competitions on all platforms. At the same time, we also take efforts in preparing the students for the future by teaching courses on emerging trends and areas like neural networks, analytics and energy management.
In sum, IIM Ranchi proudly lays claims on
• A vast pool of strong academicians and bright students
• All-round development of students with a host of clubs, committees and interest groups indulging in year-round versatile activities
• A conducive atmosphere for not just learning but growing and evolving
• A place with no room for aggression but constructive and positive aspirations
• A set of programmes resulting from culmination of Vision, Mission and Core Values
Thus IIM Ranchi prides itself in its carefully designed curriculum, a values-oriented approach and a holistically nurturing environment. Our programs are aimed at grooming students to enable them to face challenges of the real world; to make them efficient leaders who are grounded and humble; to instil in them the quest for excellence and not just for achievement. Having said that, with a pool of immensely talented students, guided by the most competent and capable faculty, we are truly an institute with a difference.
Curriculum Academic Calendar 2019-20 Student Exchange Programme
Fee Structure 2019-21
The flagship Post-Graduate Programme (PGP) in Management at the Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Ranchi is a two-year, full-time residential Programme.
This Programme of IIM Ranchi offers MBA degree. It is extremely prestigious and is rated highly in the country. Students entering the Programme are selected through a rigorous process, comprising of the Common Admission Test (CAT), one of the most competitive entrance examinations in the country, followed by a Written Ability Test (WAT) and Personal Interview. Currently, IIM Ranchi admits around 185 students in this Programme.
The Programme facilitates learning in theory and practice of different functional areas of management, and is carefully designed based on inputs by key stakeholders including students, industry experts, and faculty. Apart from the academic rigour which ensures that students learn and apply key concepts and analytical tools, the Programme also provides opportunities for students to develop their communication, leadership, interpersonal and networking skills, attributes that are critical in today’s increasingly competitive world and fast-changing business environment. The Programme equips a student with requisite knowledge and skills, required for playing leadership roles in the manufacturing and services sectors in India and abroad.
The Programme is designed to achieve the following objectives:
1. Develop competence in students to learn and adapt to the dynamic national and international environments and strive for excellence.
2. Orient the participants to apply knowledge and understanding of theories and concepts from basic disciplines and functional areas for creation, growth, and management of organizations.
3. Develop acumen to implement suitable strategies by critically analysing both internal and external organizational environment.
4. Understand various approaches and techniques relevant to the organizational processes, models and practices.
5. Develop cultural sensitivity to appreciate diverse points of view in a global environment.
6. Exhibit high degree of integrity and ethics in behaviour.
The Programme is delivered by distinguished in-house and visiting faculty members from the IIM fraternity, and academicians and experts from other renowned peer-level Institutions and organizations. The faculty members who teach in the Programme come from some of the most respected Institutions/Universities in India and across the globe. The faculty members are deeply engaged in research and management consulting, which helps them to bring their experience into curriculum design and classroom delivery, using a variety of pedagogical approaches.
The Post-Graduate Programme lasts six trimesters, spread over two years, with a summer project in between the two years. The curriculum is reviewed and revised periodically so that it remains relevant and contemporary.
PGP first year comprises of Compulsory courses, spread over three terms across all functional domains of management. The first year students are exposed to basic concepts in the areas of Marketing Management, Accounting & Finance, Economics, Information Systems, Operations Management, Organizational Behaviour & Human Resource Management and Strategic Management. The core courses are aimed at providing contextual understanding, conceptual knowledge, analytical skills, tools and techniques, social, cultural and environmental sensitivity to form the base of the Programme.
The second year comprises of Elective courses, spread over three terms. The elective courses help the participants to develop deeper understanding of functional areas of management. Students are allowed to choose the courses of their interest in the second year. Students who want to acquire deeper understanding of a topic or explore deeply a narrow topic can also pursue a Course of Independent Study (CIS) under the guidance of a faculty member.
In between the first year and the second year, the students are required to compulsorily do a Summer Internship Project (SIP). A student is required to do a summer project on any aspect of business management, in the industry, for a period of eight weeks at the end of the first year.
Currently, the total credits requirement across two year of MBA Programme is minimum of 110.5 and a maximum of 119.5 credits (including the Summer Internship Project), one credit being equivalent to 10 classroom hours.
IIM Ranchi’s PGP Programme also provides an opportunity for students to learn about business practices in various countries through Student Exchange Programme (STEP) and/or study trips.
Curriculum Academic Calendar 2019-20 Fee Structure 2019-21
The flagship Post Graduate Programme in Human Resource Management (PGP-HRM) at the Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Ranchi is a two-year, full-time residential Programme.
This programme aims to develop humane and thoughtful, people-specialists for organizational and overall societal wellbeing. It integrates business skills with strong ethical and social concerns. Modern industries are continuously looking for managers who may be able to rise above functional silos and lead with a broader outlook. This programme is one of its kind in its attempt to cultivate such broad business outlook in human resource professionals. . The curriculum has recently been revised to make it integrative, relevant and contemporary. We have specifically designed integrated core courses related to human resource management. These courses balance the concerns of organizations with those of employees on the one hand and present a systemic view of human resource practices on the other.
The Post-Graduate Programme lasts six trimesters, spread over two years, with a summer project in between the two years. This programme enables students to develop specialist-level knowledge along any of the two tracks: Generalist Human Resource Management, Organizational Development, and Industrial Relations. The Second Year comprises of elective courses, spread over three terms. These elective courses help the participants to develop a deeper understanding of the functional areas of management. Students who want to acquire a deeper understanding of any topic or explore a topic in depth can also pursue a Course of Independent Study (CIS) under the guidance of a faculty member.
The Programme is delivered by distinguished in-house and visiting faculty members from the IIM fraternity, and academicians and experts from other renowned peer-level Institutions and organizations who bring their experience into curriculum design and classroom delivery, using a variety of pedagogical approaches. We at IIM Ranchi, try to impart knowledge, skills and abilities needed for an HR professional to be agile and keep pace with the ever-changing workplace needs. IIM Ranchi encourages cultural, educational, experiential and other demographic diversity to facilitate the broadening of perspectives on various social and business issues. Students are also encouraged to participate in prestigious corporate competitions and proactively lead multiple live industry projects.
IIM Ranchi is proud to announce that its Post Graduate Programme in Human Resource Management (PGPHRM) has been acknowledged by Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) to be now aligned with it’s HR Curriculum Guidebook and Templates.
Throughout the world, over 400 programs in approximately 375 educational institutions have been acknowledged by SHRM as being in alignment with its suggested guides and templates. The HR Curriculum Guidebook and Templates were developed by SHRM to define the minimum HR content areas that should be studied by HR students at the undergraduate and graduate levels. The guidelines — created in 2006 and re-validated in 2010, 2013 and 2017 — are part of SHRM’s Academic Initiative to define HR education standards taught in university business schools and help universities develop degree programs that follow these standards.
The objective of the PGP-HRM at IIM Ranchi is to create HR professionals who have the competencies to
- Understand the business of the organization and its drivers;
- Understand the connect between business and HR deliverables;
- Understand the role of self in building acceptance, credibility and respect in the organization;
- Understand employees and their mindset so as to weave a relationship between their aspirations and organizational demand;
- Lead or contribute in the formulation and implementation of best in class Human resources practices in their organization; and
- Take on a strategic role in the development and accomplishment of organizational goals and objective
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